
What happens in a concussion?

What happens in a concussion?

Concussion occurs when the brain suffers a jolt and is shaken inside the skull. Sports injuries, falls and motor vehicle accidents commonly cause this. Concussion disrupts function of complex microcircuits in the brain and causes problems with attention, concentration, short term memory, mood, personality, impulse control. In a mild concussion, this is temporary and brain usually makes a complete recovery.

What are the Symptoms of concussion? – headaches, fatigue, feeling dizzy, problems with sleep, mood changes, anxiety, problems with concentration and short-term memory. These are all the common symptoms of concussion.

After a concussion, taking physical and mental rest helps recover faster. Sometimes over the counter pain relief medications help. It is always a good idea to see a healthcare provider as some patients might need brain scan or a prescription medication.

Mild concussion can take anywhere from 1 week to several weeks to heal. Severe concussions can take longer.


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