How to Improve Concentration and Memory?

How to improve concentration and memory?

First of all, let’s quickly understand how concentration and memory actually works.

Frontal lobes of the brain are responsible for attention, concentration and execution of a task. They store information for a short period of time. Thereafter, during sleep, the information is transferred and consolidated into the temporal lobes, which can store information for longer period of time.

So, you can see here that sleep is absolutely important, especially the REM stage of sleep.

Another thing to know is that neurotransmitters like – dopamine and nor-epinephrine – are predominantly involved in the process. These neurotransmitters make it possible to concentrate on a task. And, they make it possible to establish memories.

How do I approach patients who report problems with concentration and memory?

First thing they need to know is that every individual learns at their own pace. It also depends on individual’s interest on the subject matter that they’re trying to learn.

At first, I recommend some lifestyle changes that naturally boost nor-epinephrine and dopamine in the brain. Two of the highest impact changes are - daily physical exercise and good sleep. I also recommend establishing a daily routine which allows incoming information to be more organized.

Individuals also need to be aware that some medical problems do affect memory and concentration.

For example, attention deficit disorder in children and adults, sleep disorder, nutritional deficiency, thyroid problems, certain drugs/medications and depression.

It is always a good idea to visit to a neurologist or a healthcare provider if you have memory or concentration problem, so an important medical diagnosis doesn’t get missed.

What medication treatment options are available to improve these cognitive functions?

For healthy individuals, there are some over the counter supplements as well as prescription medications.

Among the common supplements, we commonly use caffeine, taurine, theanine, creatine, bacopa and ginseng.

Among the prescription medications – like amphetamines (Adderall, Ritalin, concerta), Provigil, Straterra and Wellbutrin – these are the most commonly used in otherwise healthy individuals.


Medications to Improve Concentration and Memory


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